How to Identify Tuxedo Version and Rolling Patch Level | PeopleSoft Tutorial

How to Identify Tuxedo Version and Rolling Patch Level

There are several ways to find Tuxedo version and the Tuxedo Rolling Patch level. Depending on whichever way you find it easier, you can use one.

Find Tuxedo Version and Tuxedo Rolling using PSADMIN.

Using PSADMIN secret menu.

tuxedo version and rolling patch in psadmin

Find Tuxedo Version and Tuxedo Rolling from Command Line.

Run the command tmadmin -v

tuxedo version and rolling patch in command line

Find Tuxedo Version and Tuxedo Rolling in Tuxedo Installation Directory.

Go to $TUXDIR/udataobj (replace $TUXDIR with the appropriate value you use) and view the file patchlev. To of the file contains the Tuxedo version and go to the bottom of the file to get the rolling patch version.

how to identify tuxedo rolling patch level

Find Tuxedo Version and Tuxedo Rolling in Appserver or Process Scheduler Logs Directory.

Since both appserver and process scheduler use Tuxedo, you can find the Tuxedo version and Tuxedo rolling patch information in the LOGS folder of the same. Go the LOGS folder and open the file TUXLOG.ddmmyy (replace ddmmyy with date month and year) or open the latest TUXLOG.* file:

tuxedo version and rolling patch in logs


Apurva Tripathi
