Micro Focus Run-time System Error Messages & Resolution | PeopleSoft Tutorial

Micro Focus Run-time System Error Messages & Resolution

Micro Focus Cobol Run-time system error messages are documented below along with a brief description and resolution.

001 Insufficient buffer space (Recoverable)
You have tried to open a file directly or indirectly and, although you have not exceeded your system’s file limit, something in your system is unable to allocate enough memory space for this operation.
Resolution: Although you can trap this error you must do STOP RUN as soon as it is reported.

005 Illegal device specification (Recoverable)
Devices to which your COBOL program can write are defined by the operating system. You have tried to write to a device that is not defined by your system.
Resolution: Try the operation again using a device name that your system recognizes.

007 Disk space exhausted (Fatal)
The disk is full.
Resolution: This error can be trapped, but once it has been reported you must do a STOP RUN immediately to terminate your program’s run. When your program has terminated, delete any files that you no longer need. Alternatively, if your operating system supports this, put a new disk in a floppy disk drive and redirect your program’s file operations to this.

009 No room in directory (Recoverable)
The system cannot write to the specified directory for one of the following reasons:

  • The directory does not exist
  • The directory is full
  • Your program cannot find the directory

Resolution: Create the directory if it doesn’t exist. If the directory is full, either delete any files that you no longer need or, if your operating system supports this, put a new disk in a floppy disk drive and redirect your program’s file operations to it. Alternatively, specify a different drive or directory for your file operations.

010 File name not supplied (Recoverable)
You have tried to open a file that you have declared as an external file, but have not named.
Resolution: Specify the external file-name.

011 Process limit reached (Fatal)
One of the following has occurred:

  • The run-time system cannot create a new process as the operating system limit on the total number of processes per user or system-wide would be exceeded.
  • Insufficient memory is available to complete the operation.

Resolution: Terminate any processes that you are no longer using, or make more memory available. Your operating system might enable you to increase the maximum number of processes allowed. Refer to your operating system documentation for further information.

012 Attempt to open a file which is already open (Recoverable)
You have tried to open a file which is already open and so cannot be opened again.
Resolution: Cancel your second attempt to open the file. If the fact that the file is already open is acceptable to you, continue to run your program.

013 File not found (Recoverable)
The operating system has been unable to find a file which you have tried to access in your program.
Resolution: Ensure that you are in the correct directory or that a path to the file concerned exists. You can then try the file operation again. If the error is the result of a spelling mistake then ask for the correct file and try the file operation again.

016 Too many device files open (Recoverable)
You have tried to exceed the maximum number of device files which you can have open at any one time. This can be a software or an operating system constraint, but you must not violate it.
Resolution: Close some of the open device files which you are not currently accessing, and then try to open the relevant file again. You should then be able to continue to run your program.

105 Memory allocation error (Fatal)
The run-time system is unable to allocate sufficient memory space to successfully carry out the tried operation, probably because of insufficient memory space on your system.
Resolution: You should obtain more memory in which to run your program. Refer to your operating system documentation for details of how you can obtain more memory, if this is possible.

108 Failure to initialize data division (Fatal)
The run-time system cannot load your program properly because the data needed to correctly initialize the Data Division has become corrupted.
Resolution: You should compile your program again to try to obtain good intermediate code.

109 Invalid checksum in run-time system (Recoverable)
The internal information in the run-time system has been altered. The run-time system might have become corrupted, or you might have illegally tried to change the internal run-time system information.

111 Incompatible Class Library and Run-Time Environment versions (Fatal)
The version numbers for these components do not match.
Resolution: Check that you have fully installed both the Class Library and the Run-Time Environment from the same version of Object COBOL. If you have more than one version installed, check that your PATH, LIBPATH, and COBDIR environment variables specify an appropriate path for the version you are using.

114 Attempt to access item beyond bounds of memory (Fatal)
Memory access violation has been detected by your operating system.

115 Unexpected signal (Fatal)
A signal the run-time system was not expecting has been caught.

116 Cannot allocate memory (Fatal)
For some reason a part of your run-time system is unable to allocate you sufficient memory to enable you to execute your code.
Resolution: You should try to reduce memory usage by canceling programs that are not in use, then try the operation that caused this message again.

129 Attempt to access record zero of relative file (Recoverable)
The value specified in the RELATIVE KEY data item contains the value zero.
Resolution: You should ensure that the value in the RELATIVE KEY data item is greater than zero, then continue to run your program.

135 File not found (Recoverable)
The operating system has been unable to find a file which you have tried to access in your program.
Resolution: Ensure that you are in the correct directory or that a path to the file concerned exists. You can then try the file operation again. If the error is the result of a spelling mistake then ask for the correct file and try the file operation again.

136 Corrupt or invalid executable file (Fatal)
An attempt was made to execute a .gnt file or a library file that is not valid. The file might be corrupted or truncated.
Resolution: Recompile the source code or recreate the library file, ensuring that it is processed without errors.

153 Subscript out of range (Fatal)
A subscript which you have used in your program is out of the defined range, that is, it is either less than one or it is greater than the number of occurrences of the item.
Resolution: You should recode your program.

157 Not enough program memory: object file too large to load (Recoverable)
Either your program is too large for the available memory space, or the stack is full.
Resolution: If you have specified the ON OVERFLOW/EXCEPTION clause in the relevant CALL statement, the error is recoverable. Any associated imperative statement is executed before the next instruction.

160 Overlay loading error (Recoverable)
An error has occurred while trying to load the intermediate code for an independent segment. The segment is either missing or corrupted in some way.
Resolution: If the segment is missing, locate it. If you cannot find it, or if it is present and corrupt, resubmit your program to your COBOL system.

161 Illegal intermediate code (Fatal)
The intermediate code which is currently being processed is not valid code. You are probably trying to execute a corrupted file or one which has not been submitted to your COBOL system successfully.
Resolution: You should resubmit your source program to your COBOL system, to try to obtain uncorrupted intermediate code.

162 Arithmetic overflow or underflow (Fatal)
You are executing a program that is trying to perform a floating-point divide by zero.
Resolution: You should recode your program to avoid this illegal operation.

164 Run-Time subprogram not found (Fatal)
You have tried to call a subroutine whose entry address has not been set up in your run-time system.
Resolution: Check to see that you used a valid call number in the unsuccessful subroutine call. If not, revise your code to contain a call number which your system recognizes. If you did use a valid call number but still received this error you should contact Technical Support.

165 Version number incompatibility (Fatal)
You have tried to:

  • Run a program that has intermediate code which has been produced on a version of your COBOL system that is incompatible with the run-time system you are using. Your run-time system, therefore, cannot execute correctly any generated code you are producing or have already produced from this intermediate code.
  • Execute a file which is not in your COBOL system’s intermediate or generated code.
  • Load a module whose format is not valid for the Win32 platform.

168 Stack overflow (Fatal)
You have nested a PERFORM statement or a series of CALL statements too deeply.
Resolution: Edit your program to reduce the number of levels in the nested PERFORM or CALL statement.

173 Called program file not found in drive/directory (Fatal)
You have tried to call a program which is not present on your current logged-in drive or directory, or in a directory pointed to by the COBDIR environment variable, or to send a message to a class which cannot be loaded.
Resolution: Once your program has terminated you should copy the relevant file into your logged-in drive or directory. If insufficient space is available, you should set the COBDIR environment variable to search the directory or drive on which the file is present when your program calls it.

200 Run-time system internal logic error (Fatal)
The amount of memory available on your machine is so low that not even the run-time system can be fully loaded. Alternatively, your run-time system has stopped as a result of an internal logic error from which you cannot recover.
Resolution: Free some memory and then you should be able to run your program successfully.
Contact Technical Support who will help you to discover the cause of the error.

209 Network communication error (Recoverable)
This is normally given if an incorrect checksum has been received in a communications packet.
Resolution: Your program should continue to execute after you have received this error but results might be undefined.

211 Program not executable by Run-Time System (Fatal)
An attempt was made to run a program that is incompatible with the currently-specified run-time system. For example, system executable, shared library, and callable shared object files that have been linked using older COBOL systems could be incompatible.
On dual 32-bit/64-bit COBOL systems, all code must be compiled and linked using the same word length. A 64-bit run-time system does not run programs compiled and/or linked on 32-bit platforms or in 32-bit mode. Similarly, a 32-bit run-time system does not run programs compiled and/or linked on 64-bit platforms in 64-bit mode.
Resolution: Recompile and/or relink your program so that it is compatible with the current run-time system.

215 Cannot ANIMATE a program running COMMUNICATIONS (Fatal)
You have tried to animate a program which makes use of the communications module. This cannot be done as both Animator and the communications module need full use of the CRT.
Resolution: You should run your program without the aid of Animator.

219 Operating system shared file limit exceeded (Recoverable)
You have tried to exceed your operating system’s limit on the number of shared files that you can have open simultaneously. As this figure is operating system dependent, you should consult your Release Notes for details of how many shared files your system permits to be open at any one time.
Resolution: Close some of the open shared files you are no longer accessing and retry the file operation.

225 Dynamic load error – program component missing (Fatal)
The run-time system cannot locate the root or overlay of a program that is currently loaded in memory.
Alternatively, you have insufficient memory to load your program.
Alternatively, the run-time system could not find enough file handles to open and, therefore, load the code.
Resolution: Either the library that contained the program has been canceled, or the program is no longer available on the program search path. Ensure that the program is available either on disk or on an open library. Either free some memory or restructure your application so that it uses less memory.
Increase your operating system file handles limit.

226 EXTERNAL file definition inconsistent
Two or more programs define the same external file but with different formats. For example, maximum and minimum record lengths might be different.
Resolution: Make sure that all of your programs define the external file with the same format so that they are consistent. It is useful to have the file definition in a COPY file.

227 EXTERNAL data definition inconsistent (Fatal)
Two or more programs are defining the same external data item, but the first loaded program has defined the size differently from the second or subsequent loaded program.
Resolution: Make sure that both or all of your programs define the size of the external data item as being the same.


Source: http://supportline.microfocus.com/documentation/books/sx20books/emrunt.htm

Apurva Tripathi
