How To Run AE VERSION in PeopleSoft | PeopleSoft Tutorial

How To Run AE VERSION in PeopleSoft

How To Run AE VERSION in PeopleSoft

You may need to run AE VERSION when SYSAUDIT report shows that objects are out of sync and when you do a PeopleTools or/and Application Upgrade. It should only be run when there is reason to believe that the versions in the PSVERSION table are no longer coherent, or when the versions in one of the managed objects tables are out of sync with PSVERSION. Instead of running AE VERSION from PIA, it should be run from command line.

Below are the steps showing how to run AE VERSION in PeopleSoft

Step 1. Shutdown all application servers, process schedulers, web servers.

Step 2. Make sure that there is no application designer or data mover is connected to the target database on which you plan to run AE VERSION. To be sure you can have the database restarted.

Note: It’s critical that you make sure that there is no connection to the database when you run the AE VERSION as it could lead to drastic change in performance of the application.

Step 3. Go to PS_HOME/bin  and run the below command in command line

Command line syntax for AE VERSION:

psae -CD <database name > -CT <database type>-CO <application user id> -CP <application user password> -R <Valid Runcontrol id for the user>  -AI VERSION



Step 4. It will take some time for AE Version to finish. After successful completion validate the entries in database by executing below command.


Make sure that all the values for VERSION column is ‘1’.

Step 5. Clear cache and start Application Server, Web server and Process Scheduler.


  • Azlan says:

    Error in sign on
    Database Type: 7 (ORACLE)
    Database Name: CSUAT
    Server Name:
    OperID: sysadm
    Process Instance: 0
    Reason: Invalid user ID or password for database signon. (id=sysadm)

    Why I get this error?

    • Prashant says:

      Hi Azlan, Are you trying to run AE VERSION program using command line as the post shows?
      If you notice we need to use application user id such as ‘PS’ or ‘VP1’. SYSADM is your owner id which is a database level user not an application user. Please try using valid application user id.

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