Error – Search Definition PTSEARCHREPORTS was not properly deployed (262,169)
After upgrading to PeopleTools 8.54, you may notice that the SES index crawl process keeps running at a scheduled time and fails with the below error. Interesting thing is that you’re likely to find this error in all the applications that have been upgraded to 8.54 irrespective of the fact whether or not it is a 9.1 or 9.2 application or whether SES was ever configured or not.
The PTSF_GENFEED error in Message Log is:
Search Definition PTSEARCHREPORTS was not properly deployed (262,169) PTSF_GENFEED.SETUP.GBL.defaul t.1900-01-01.Step04.OnExecute PCPC:7176 Statement:75 Process 8212 ABENDED at Step PTSF_GENFEED.SETUP.Step04 (PeopleCode) -- RC = 8 8212 PTSF_GENFEED SETUP Step04 PeopleCode 8 The XML file returned by the web server is invalid. XML document object creation failed. Unable to process HTTP reply from Report Repository. HTTP transfer error.
This PTSF_GENFEED program is invoked from PRCSPURGE program so that it can perform the required cleanup activities for our PTSEARCHREPORT search definition indexed data. It is a known bug, which is causing the failures – it does not check whether the index is deployed or not. It looks like the bug has been fixed in PeopleTools 8.56 release.
You don’t need this process to run if you’ve not enabled SES. You also don’t need to run this if you’ve not deplolyed the PTSEARCHREPORTS index . You can stop it from running by updating the PRCSPURGE application engine program.
Open the PRCSPURGE application engine program in Application Designer and
PRCSYSPURGE (section Srchlnd) and commented out the following PeopleCode line:
* call Build Search Index program */