Component Interface Interview Questions
Here is a list of frequently asked questions on Component Interface. If you’re planning to appear in a PeopleSoft technical interview, component interface is something, which you need to know at any cost. It is essential that you know the basics rather than knowing just the answers. Suggested reading – PeopleSoft Developer’s Guide.
Question: Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Component Interface (CI) Architecture?
Answer: A component interface can be mapped to multiple PeopleSoft components
Question: PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?
Question: The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:PSHrmsSqr . What do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?
Answer: Specifies the output path
Question: Which of the following are TRUE when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has Add action enabled?
Answer: Get keys, Create keys and Find keys gets created automaticallyThe Create method is created alongwith the other Standard methods for the CI
Question: If you are PS developer then In what scenarios Component Interface will have advantages over component?
Answer: A component exposes your pages to peoplesoft only.Moreover it helps us to define common properties for a set of related pages. A component interface is a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that you can use to access and modify PeopleSoft database information programmatically. PeopleSoft Component Interfaces expose a PeopleSoft component (a set of pages grouped for a business purpose) for synchronous access from another application (PeopleCode, Java, C/C++, or Component Object Model [COM]).
Question: The following are various steps that describes the peoplecode logic while implementing a Component Interface
Answer: 1.Establish a user session
2.Get the Component Interface
3.pulate the Create Keys
4.eate an Instance of the CI
5.pulate the required fields
6. Save the CI
Question: With reference to the Component Interface Tester which of the following is NOT TRUE
Answer: GetExisting option is equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display Mode only
Question: Which of the following are TRUE when a Component Interface (CI) is created on component that has ?Add? action enabled
Answer: Get keys, Create keys and Find keys gets created automaticallyThe Create method is created alongwith the other Standard methods for the CI
Question: Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Component Interface (CI) Architecture?
Answer: A component interface can be mapped to multiple PeopleSoft components
Question: The main attributes of a Component Interface (CI) are
Answer: Keys, Properties & Collections, Methods and Name
Question: Which one of the following are standard properties when a Component Interface (CI) is created?
Answer: GetHistoryItems
Question: With reference to the Component Interface Tester which of the following is NOT TRUE?
Answer: GetExisting option is equivalent to opening a record in Update/Display Mode only
Suggested reading – PeopleSoft Developer’s Guide.