Find Roles and Permission Lists that Grant Access to a Page
If you’ve ever worked with PeopleSoft security, one of the most common request is to identify who has access to a page and which role is granting that access.
Below is the SQL that you can use to get information regarding the same.
Most PeopleSoft consultants know that using PSAUTHITEM table will give you the security access related to a page. But sometimes BARITEMNAME and PNLITEMNAME in PSAUTHITEM table doesn’t match with what you get using CTRL + J hot keys.
So, we will check the Component name and Page name that we get from CTRL + J and compare it with PSMENUITEM and PSPNLGROUP to get the correct BARITEMNAME and PNLITEMNAME.
Do you have any common SQLs that you use for security tasks, please do share the same in the comments.
If you want to learn more about PeopleSoft security, check out our PeopleSoft Security Training.
Also read: Find records and fields used in a page [SQL]