Content/Portal URL not defined for node %1
When performing diagnostic test to verify PeopleSoft and Oracle Secure Enterprise Search connectivity, you may face an error at “STEP 2: Deploy” or “STEP3: Crawl”
The error will be something like:
Content/Portal URL not defined for node HCM92DEV (262,81) PTSF_FEED.SESFeedDataSource.OnExecute Name:execute PCPC:16168 Statement:281
Called from:PTFP_FEED.Feed.OnExecute Name:execute Statement:677
Called from:PTFP_FEED.FeedFactory.OnExecute Name:getFeedDoc Statement:244
Called from:PTSF_RNDTRP_WRK.PTSF_RNDTRIP_CRAWL.FieldChange Statement:46
Content/Portal URL not defined for node %1
You can do the following checks to overcome this error:
1. Go to PeopleTools -> Search Framework -> Search Instance and check the value of URL in Call Back Properties. The general format is: http://<server>:<port>/PSIGW/PeopleSoftServiceListeningConnector/<node>
* Note the <node? at the end.
2. Go to PeopleTools -> Integration Broker -> Configuration -> Service Configuration and then to Setup Target Locations. Make sure that there is the same node name specified here. Also if you need to updated it – make sure you update the UDI servers too.
3. Go to PeopleTools -> Integration Broker -> Integration Setup and go to the default local node definition. Go to the Portal tab and you may find the Content URI Text and POrtal URI Text empty. You can notice reference to the error received?
This needs to be configured.
If you’re not sure what to use here: you can user the suggested values or
Content URL Text: http://myserver/psc/ps/
Portal URL Text: http://myserver/psc/ps/
Save it and run the Diagnostic test again.