Useful Unix Commands for PeopleSoft Administrators | PeopleSoft Tutorial

Useful Unix Commands for PeopleSoft Administrators

As a PeopleSoft admin, you will need to perform Unix administration as well (if your appserver or webserver is hosted on a Unix box). There are only a few Unix commands you will need to know to perform Unix administration tasks as a PeopleSoft admin.

Note that Unix is case sensitive and you will need to type the Unix commands as per the case mentioned.


A Selected Command List



logout End your linux session
passwd Changes password by prompting for old and new password
stty Set terminal options
date Display or set the date
finger Display information’s about users
ps Display information about processes
Env Display or change current environment



Files and Directory Commands

cat Concatenate and display file(s)
cat /etc/profile Will show the default console profile for all users.
more Page by page display of a text file.
cat /etc/filename|more This will display the file without any scrolling but page by page.
mv Move or rename files.
mv <source> <target> The mv command also renames, because logically, if you move a file to another file of a different name, which doesn’t exist you’ve renames. It is a combination of move and rename.
cp Copy files
cp /etc/mime.types /home/myfile.txt This will copy the mime types file form /etc into your home directory.
rm Removes files
  ‘rm /home/myfile.txt This will delete the file your just copied into your home directory.
ls List contents  of directory.
  Just like a dir in lists the contents of a directory. Tryls /etc.This will show you all the configuration files residing in /etc.

Two other forms that you re likely to use are

ls –l which lists the files in a a long format and date time size permission etc.

ls –a which list all files including hidden one

Note : In unix any filename starting with a “.” fullstop is hidden in a plain ls command. listing ls –a will list them too.

You can do combinations which is probably what your endup doing most of the time ls –al will list all files in long format.


‘mkdir Make a directory.
  Identical to the DOS command, mkdir makes a directory.  Try mkdir /usr/tmp.  This will make a directory called tmp in your user directory.  Subsequently, try cd /usr/tmp, which should take your there.
‘rmdir Removes a directory.
‘rmdir /usr/tmp This will remove the directory you created above. Note that you will have to be outside the directory in order to remove it.
‘cd Change Working directory.Try cd /etc subsequently ls -al
‘pwd Print working directory name. Confused about where you are ? try pwd. It just print syour current working directory to screen.
‘du Summarize disk usage‘du / should give you disk usage of your entire linux partitions.  This will take a while folks .  The number mentioned are size in kb. 
‘chmod Change Mode (Access permissions) of a file or directory.



Editing Tools

Commands Purpose
‘diff Show differences between the contents of files.
‘grep Search a file for a pattern
‘sort Sort and collate lines of a file
‘wc Counts lines, words and character in a file
‘awk Pattern scanning and processing language.
‘vi Screen oriented(visual) display editor.

Program controls, Pipes and filters

Jobs Lists background jobs
Kill Terminate a process
& Run process in background when placed at  end of command line
> Redirect the output of a command into a file.
>> Redirect and append the output of a command to the end of a file.
| Pipe the output of one command into another.



Others Tools and Applications

‘man Print linux manual page to screen.



Special Keys and Control Characters

Special Key

Functions/ Description

DELETE Act as as erase key.  Pressing DELETE once will backup and erase one character,  allowing you to correct and retype mistakes.
BACKSPACE It generate a ^H on the display .
CTRL-U Erases the entire command line.  It is also called the line kill character.
CTRL-W Erases the last word on the command line
CTRL-S Stops the flow of ouput on the display
CTRL-Q Resumes the flow of output stopped by CTRL-S
CTRL-C Interrupts a command or process in progress and returns to the command line. This will usually work.  If it doesn’t work try typing ^C’s in a row.  If it still doesn’t work try typing ^\q(for quit) or ^D or ^Z
CTRL-D Generates an end of file character.
CTRL-\ Quits a program and saves an image to the program in file called core for letter debugging



