PeopleTools 8.57 has several new updates to process scheduler as well. These are not major updates but small changes that can help in day to day activities.
Here are the changes to PeopleSoft process scheduler in PeopleTools 8.57.
Report Distribution to network share
Report Distribution currently supports moving reports to FTP, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS repositories & XCOPY to a network share. A Report Node can be defined to work with these protocols only.
Report Manager Link on Process Monitor
A Report Manager link is now available on the Process Monitor – Process List page to go to the Report Manager page.

A Return button is now available on the Report Details page to go to the Report Manager List page.
Additional Fields on Recurrence Page
Selecting the Weekly or Monthly recurrence pattern activates an additional Recurrence field in the Recurrence Pattern grid on the Recurrence Definition page. Using this option, you can set a recurrence schedule for your weekly and monthly recurrence options.

Copy JobSet Definition
You can now copy data from an existing JobSet definition, edit the editable fields for any updates, and save it as a new JobSet definition with a new name.

Check out all the new features in PeopleTools 8.57