PeopleSoft Administration | PeopleSoft Tutorial - Part 34


Category Archives for "PeopleSoft Administration"

What are Important Files in Tuxedo Directory

As you would know that PeopleSoft has several different components which have their own role to play in PeopleSoft Architecture. These components have different file structures and contains important executables and configuration files. We have listed the directory structure of these major PeopleSoft components and compiled a list of important directories and file within them. […]

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What are Important Files on PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

As you would know that PeopleSoft has several different components which have their own role to play in PeopleSoft Architecture. These components have different file structures and contains important executables and configuration files. We have listed the directory structure of these major PeopleSoft components and compiled a list of important directories and file within them. […]

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What are the Processes running on Process Scheduler

PSPRCSRV:( PSPRCSRV.EXE) The server agent is responsible for starting all server processes Ever fifteen seconds it looks into the process request for server processes that are scheduled to run If nothing is scheduled the server agent “sleeps for 15 seconds and checks again If a server process is scheduled the server agent combines the data […]

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Mandatory Processes in PeopleSoft Application Server

People soft processes are designed to communicate with database. At the direction of WSH/JSH, the PS process queries the database and objects using SQL. The Mandatory PS processes are 1.     PSAPPSRV 2.     PSSAMSRV 3.     PSQRYSRV 4.     PSQCKSRV 5.     Specialized Services PSDBGSRV PSOPTENG PSBRKDSP PSBRRHND PSPUBDSP  (Dispatcher) PSPUBHND (Handler) PSSUBDSP PSSUBHDN What are these PeopleSoft processes […]

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