Apurva Tripathi | PeopleSoft Tutorial - Part 46
Apurva Tripathi

Author Archives: Apurva Tripathi

PSQuery Tables

PSQuery tables are all PeopleTools tables. Here is the complete list of PeopleTools meta tables that store all the possible information about PSQueries. The below list of PSQuery tables is correct for PeopleTools 8.57 release. It could vary slightly in earlier and later versions. This list is super helpful in situations when you might need […]

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SQL to Retrieve Navigation of a Process in PeopleSoft

Following SQL is used to find out all Processes Defined in PeopleSoft System. Additionally this query also provides Components attached with Process Definition and Navigation from where this process can be executed. This query is tested on Oracle platform. Select S.prcsname,S.prcstype, S.pnlgrpname,N.navigation From (Select A.prcsname, A.prcstype,B.pnlgrpname From PS_PRCSDEFN A, PS_PRCSDEFNPNL B Where A.prcsname = B.prcsname) […]

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