Author Archives: Apurva Tripathi
Author Archives: Apurva Tripathi
Do you want to find out all processes and jobs running under a particular recurrence? Use this SQL below: SELECT process_job_name, description, recurname FROM ps_prcsrecur a, (SELECT p.prcsname AS Process_Job_name, p.descr AS Description, p.recurname AS recurname FROM ps_prcsdefn p UNION SELECT jp.prcsjobame AS Process_Job_name, (SELECT j.descr FROM ps_prcsdefn j WHERE j.prcsname = jp.prcsname) AS Description, jp.recurname AS recurname FROM ps_prcsjobdefn j, ps_prcsjobitem jp WHERE j.prcsjobname = jp.prcsjobname) b WHERE b.recurname = a.recurname AND a.recurname = :1 ORDER BY 1
Continue readingOne of the common errors encountered while running a PSQuery is: “Query result set too large, (124,87). Result of (SQL Fetch) is over the maximum result size specified for the application server.“ As the error message suggests, this error has been caused due to huge result size, which the application server is unable to render […]
Continue readingPeopleSoft login page is a great place to inform users about any upcoming outages or to welcome new users. You can do these activities via emails as well, but you can not ensure that your emails are read. The only way to ensure that your message is read is to put it on the PeopleSoft […]
Continue readingWhen you migrate permission lists and portal registries from one database to another, Portal Security Sync process has to be run in the target environment for these permission lists and portal registries to take effect. If your company has separate roles for PeopleSoft Admin and Security Admin, you also have the option of ignoring to […]
Continue readingHere is an great documentation on how to run nVision Reports in PeopleSoft 9.1 How to Run nVision Reports in PeopleSoft 9.1 Right Click and Save as to download the document.
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