Oracle | PeopleSoft Tutorial - Part 2

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This Oracle 12C Setting Can Jeopardize Your PeopleSoft Installation

Oracle Database 12C is supported with PeopleTools 8.53 but there is one feature in Oracle 12C that can jeopardize your PeopleSoft Installation. Recently while installing PeopleSoft 9.2 with PeopleTools 8.53 using Oracle 12C as database, I was struck at running initial database creation scripts like dbowner.sql and psroles.sql. Scripts weren’t creating users and roles as […]

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Understanding Oracle Database and PeopleSoft Database

Some of the terms especially when it comes to database are loosely used and may cause confusion when performing a PeopleSoft installation. This post will help you revisit and understand PeopleSoft database concepts when used with Oracle database. When you perform a PeopleSoft installation, you will create these types of PeopleSoft databases: • System (also […]

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ORA-01555: snapshot too old

We were doing stress testing in PeopleSoft ELM and ran the Mass Enrollment AppEngine. After running for about 90 minutes, it failed with the error ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 19 with name “_SYSSMU19_1270741541$” too small The ORA-01555 error is caused by Oracle read consistency mechanism and is usually associated with long running […]

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